Our School » STEM Lab


In our STEM lab, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes, students engage in hands-on activities designed to address the three dimensions of the Next Generation Science Standards (science and engineering practices, cross cutting concepts, and content.) Students work in small groups to investigate phenomena  by asking questions, conducting investigations, building models, analyzing and interpreting  data, using mathematical thinking, constructing explanations, engaging in argument, and communicating information. Students keep science notebooks which help them organize observations, process data, communicate their thinking, and maintain a record of their learning. 

TK, K, 1st. and 2nd grade classes visit the lab for special science events, such as Polar Week, Earth Week, Engineering Week, and our popular springtime chick hatching! They also visit to observe the lab animals, which stimulates their use of  academic and science vocabulary, which is often incorporated into classroom writing assignments. Currently our lab houses 2 corn snakes (Kettlecorn and Maize), a bearded dragon lizard (JJ), Happy the dwarf hamster, and an assortment of fish and turtles. 

Science Lab