LAUSD Policies » Closed Campus

Closed Campus

Safety and Security

The safety and welfare of our students and staff is our highest priority.  In order to maintain the safety of our school community, we adhere to the LAUSD closed campus policy.  During the school day only staff and students are permitted on campus once school hours begin. The Main Office entrance will be available to parents. All other gates will remain locked for the safety of our students. If you need to speak to your child's teacher please go to the main office and leave a message or make an appointment. The teacher will respond at their earlies convenience. You may also contact them through ClassDojo. Any visitors need to sign in and get a visitors pass from the office. 


Kittridge Elementary School conducts emergency drills regularly throughout the school year.  The goals of the training drills are to improve our ability to protect students, save lives, and reduce injuries.  Students are taught how to react and what to do in the event of an emergency. 


During an emergency, students will remain at school (unless otherwise directed by the District) until a parent or guardian arrives to take the child home.  In the event of an emergency, all school entrances and exits must be controlled.  All doors and gates will be locked as quickly as possible.  Students will remain in a safe location with their teacher or school staff member and will be released to you from the reunion gate.